Pubg Mobile Update 7.0
Another week, another pubg mobile update. this time pubg mobile publisher tencent is teasing war mode. as a part of the pubg mobile 0.7.0 update, war mode will be brought into the game.. At the time the beta was on version 0.7.0 (it still is, strangely enough), and as of today, the regular stable release of pubg mobile has been updated to 0.7.0 after that short testing period.. A new pubg mobile update is in the works and tencent have already released a beta version download of what 0.7.0 will contain..
Pubg mobile update 0.7.0: war mode and new tencent features revealed in patch notes pubg mobile update 0.7.0 is now available to download on android and ios, bringing tencent’s new war mode to. Pubg mobile update 0.7.0 is deploying across android and ios. in addition to war mode, the 2gb patch offers a clan system and a fan-favorite gun from the pc version. check out the patch notes below.. Apakah kamu sudah tahu kalau di update pubg mobile 0.7.0 kemarin ada sistem gelar atau title? jika belum tahu, kamu datang di artikel yang tepat! jika belum tahu, kamu datang di artikel yang tepat! jika kamu sudah tahu, tapi bingung cara membukanya bagaimana, tidak perlu khawatir..
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